September 23, 2009 journal, during the Great Depression the dollar was strong but now it is not anymore. The nations of the world are pulling away from the dollar and that may be planned to install a world currency. The saints of God must separate from all these pagan idolaters. Money is fools gold and is flowing in some areas like a river of endless supply. 0 but Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom, because he desired lustful and worldly things! The human nature of man has not changed and will not until the Saints of God are in their final habitation of peace after the earth is slain by God Almighty as predicted in the Book of Revelation. We are now ruled by obscure tyrants hiding behind America's greenback. Ask for disclosure of the original credit card contract to prove debt. The courts are stacked and fixed to win for the banks or the bill collectors with the rulings automatic the same as foreclosures are automatic. You never have heard of one reversed. You may win on technicalities for example they probably cannot prove you owe anything. There are hundreds of questions to ask about the interest also if it was declared according to the Truth in Lending Act requirements on consumer loans, most likely not declared by the lender or certainly not by the collector. They must give you an accurate statement of your interest which they most likely cannot do because they just scatter it all over you. The false Israelites are holding the misconceived Gentiles in debt bondage. Fred Hanna won his case before the Georgia Court saying he is not subject to governor's office investigation and subpoena of his cases on collection. The state is now appealing the judgment. Hanna says they found nothing wrong with his operations but they could not get his cases to really investigate him. His time will come I am sure in the near future. Were he in New York State he would probably already be shut down with his records trucked off. Hanna's ethnic background is working in his favor to continue to rob people. I have learned if you dispute the charges they cannot collect from you without court trial. The 'Paid in Full' most likely works and is most likely not redirected in earlier contracts. Now they put it in the fine print to send it to a special address when marked 'paid in full'. Any 30% credit card accounts I am putting in the trash can and let the scavengers call. Lyndon LaRouche is warning of the collapse of the United States if this goes forward. Lyndon LaRouche is on the Internet with a video urging the president to stop this policy. I am not sure what he means by this policy, he said America should declare bankruptcy and reorganize. LaRouche is the smartest man I know of alive today and has been for 50 years unappreciated in his financial advice. I am sure the president will not listen to him. Actually, any fifth grader could figure out this nation is broke. He said to throw the crap out, I must assume he means healthcare. Everything in government is corrupt but I'm not sure if he meant to scrap Social Security also. I do not understand why he recommends to restructure the banks with taxpayer dollars. He said do not give it to the speculators. The first bush put LaRouche in federal prison as a political prisoner I believe because he had the truth. Lyndon LaRouche lives in Virginia, he is a Democrat and has many good ideas. Common sense tells us that if we are spending 3 times more than we take in it is curtains. The brainless United Nations Israeli-bent delegations walked out in rebellion. The brainless American, French, British, German & Canadian ambassadors walked out. The brainless Canadians walked out on the president of Iran but what he said made a lot of sense discounting the anti Semitic factor. Bill Clinton endorses Carter's statement on racism. The world is in turmoil and the banks are repositioning their loans so they are all 100 percent backed by the U.S. government Treasury which is to say American people.